Quadratic Equations

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
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Quadratic Equations

where x represents a variable or an unknown, and ab, and c are constants with a not equal to 0. (If a = 0, the equation is a linear equation.)

The constants ab, and c are called, respectively, the quadratic coefficient, the linear coefficient and the constant or free term. Quadratic equations can be solved by factoringcompleting the square, using the quadratic formula, and graphing

Here are some examples of a Quadratic Equation:
a) x2+2x-8=0    
b) x2+10x-18=0

a)  x2+2x-8=0      *factor this equation
     (x+4)(x-2)       *find what must add to become 2x and find the factors of -8
     x=-4 , x=2        *subtract 4 to both sides (x+4) , add 2 to both sides (x-2)

b) x2 -10x-18=0      *complete the square
   *determine a,b,c     (a=1,b=-10,c=-18)
    x2 -10x    =18        *add 18 to both sides
    x2 -10x+25=18+25       *find (b/2)^2 = (-5)^2 or 25
    x2 -10x+25=43         *factor
   (x-5)(x-5)=43   or    (x-5)^2=43       *square both sides    
    x-5 = ±43^(1/2)     *add 5 to both sides   x = 5±43^(1/2)       


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